“Your Spirit Is A Work of Art” exemplifies its name

Kala Farnham’s newest album—Your Spirit is a Work of Art—absolutely
exemplifies its name. It is indeed a spirited work of art: a work of poetic
insight and impressive musicianship. It’s thirteen tracks clearly demonstrate
the versatility and depth of Farnham as both a songwriter and a performer.

Comparisons with other artists can sometimes backfire and are often unfair, but in this
case comparisons only heighten the positive assessment of her work. Different
tracks evoke different comparisons. For example, listening to the CD I hear
echoes of Joni Mitchell, Billy Joel, Carole King, and Jackson Browne among
others, but Farnham is not copying anyone. Rather, she has been inspired by so
many to create so much: a truly original vision and sound.

My favorite tracks demonstrate this diversity: “Elijah” and “Firefly” are both personal and
universally appealing, while “David” tells a powerful story and “Black
Mountain” has a delightfully traditional feel.

Well-crafted lyrics and terrific instrumentation collaborate creatively on songs like “Nice
Things,” “Don’t Harp on It,” and “A Little Ghost Story.” And there’s always

I have listened to this album straight through five or six times already, and to two
or three individual tracks twice as often. Each time, I hear more. Familiarity
adds depth, appreciation, and sheer enjoyment to Kala Farnham’s work. Her spirit
is indeed a work of art, and Your Spirit is a Work of Art is indeed worth
listening to, again and again.

--Nick Noble, host of THE FOLK REVIVAL on WICN (Worcester Public Radio)